Do the finer points of Trainz content creation sometimes seem elusive to you? Just where are the masters of these black arts getting their clues from? In a forest of features how do you separate the fruit from the faux pas and false information? Well, my friend you need flail around no more because the TrainzDev Blog is here to guide you.
Hi, I’m James Moody, developer on the Trainz projects here at N3V Games, and this is the first post in a new series aimed at content creators, and how you can get the most out of Trainz.
As new techniques and documentation become available, the TrainzDev Blog passes the word. Sharing gems of inside insight and pearls of content creation wisdom, the TrainzDev blog is a place for both the aspiring and the accomplished creator; and a place where noteworthy accomplishments of creators may inspire and enlighten others.
If you're a content creator or an advanced user looking to get the most out of Trainz, you've come to the right place. Keep an eye on the TrainzDev Blog!