TANE Troubleshooting

This page provides links to SP1 and SP2 patching pages, as well as providing solutions to your issues under "Known Issues when Patching" and "Frequently Asked Questions" sections at the bottom of the page.

If you have trouble patching you can download the full SP2 install version using this online installer link.

Installing TANE Box Edition

For help installing Trainz A New Era SP2 from DVD, please follow this Installation Guide.

Which patch do i need?

If your build number is less than 84xxx then you need to patch to SP1 HF4 before updating to SP2.

If your build number is 84xxx then you are ready to patch to SP2.

If your build number is higher than 84xxx then you need to select the Beta Stream to patch to SP2.

SP1 Patch Installer Page 

This page contains all the links and information to patch your existing TANE install to SP1.

SP2 Patch Installer Page 

This page contains all the links and information to patch your existing TANE install to SP2.

Download Full Install Page 

Log in to MyTrainz then click on the link above. This page has the full SimulatorCentral.com online version of TANE SP2.

Known Errors when patching

  • Patch gets stuck at Ready to Begin (Mac users only)
    >> This error requires that you download the latest patcher from this link and run the patcher directly from your desktop.

  • Invalid patch target slected. This patcher is not applicable
    >> This error means that you are trying to patch either the wrong build, or you have downloaded the wrong patcher. Please check the news page to ensure you have the correct patcher for your build.
  • Path not viable - checksum error. 
    >> When patching, there is a chance that you will get a “Checksum mismatch” due to a corrupted file. This means that your build cannot be patched unless the original file is replaced. In this case, we recommend you either patch a back-up copy, reinstall your original build and patch that, or download the Full Install option.
  • Error when starting TANE: "api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is missing"
    >> Install vc_redist.x64.exe from Microsoft at this link to solve this problem

  • Patch failed: failed to read source data
    Failed to read source data

    This error indicates that there was a communication error with the patch server. Usually a retry (or sometimes multiple retries) will solve the problem and after your install has been checked, the patch file will download.
  • Patch failed: failed to download installation data

This error indicates that there was a communication error with the patch server or possibly you do not have sufficient space on the driver you are downloading to. Check you have sufficient space and click Retry to recommence the download.

Additional Knowledge Base Articles to help with Patching

If the solution to you issue is not found on this page, please visit our main support website and search our FAQsKnowledge base or Troubleshooter.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. I lost all my routes after updating. Where did they go?

A. The most likely problem is that you have renamed your install folder, and therefore when restarting TANE, a new local data folder was created. You can point your updated TANE SP2 to your old local data folder in Trainz Settings > Install tab, then restart TANE.


Q. I have the DRM-Free version - how do I patch?

A. For DRM-Free versions 84352 and 84356, ensure you follow these steps:

  • you are online
  • you have your MyTrainz Username entered in Trainz Settings > Internet
  • you have "Disable Online Features" unticked (also found under Trainz Settings > Internet tab)
  • restart after unticking that option
  • change the patch stream to Public
  • the patch process should now begin


Q. My build number xxxxx does not have a patch showing as available

A. If you have an SP1 Beta version installed, then use the change streams option to ensure your patcher can find the right stream to check for available patches. Also ensure you have your Username and Password entered.

For older installs (less than build 79000), there are NO IN-GAME PATCHES to SP1. You need to download and use the SP1 Patch Installer from the SP1 Patch Page.


Q. When the patcher ask me to "Select Target", what do I do?

A. On PC, the "target" is the TANE.exe file that is in the install folder of the version you wish to patch from. e.g. C:/ProgramFiles/N3VGames/TANE_78660

On Mac the target is your TANE .app file. e.g. Trainz A New Era.app  


Q. "This Trainz version does not allow the installation of third-party content" - How do I fix this?

A. Ensure that your Username and Password and entered in Trainz Settings > Internet and then restart TANE.


Q. Why am I getting "Unable to search asset. Unable to contact server" when searching on the DLS?

A. Ensure that your Username and Password and entered in Trainz Settings > Internet and also the "Disable Online Features" is not ticked


Q. I get an "Application is damaged" error when patching/installing on Mac - what is wrong?

A. This is an Apple security warning. The workaround to update your security settings is shown on this 3rd party website:



Q. When opening a route or session, I see a message about unsubmitted edits. What do I do?

A. In SP2, routes are opened for edit (OFE) in the database and saved at runtime (rather than at specified intervals). If your game crashes, next time you edit the route, it will still be OFE. You can choose to either "Submit the Edits" which means the version that is OFE will be loaded, or you can "Revert" in which case, the previously saved version will be used.